Weaving the magic of art & technology.

What we do

Our skills cover wide areas of art/design and technology

Software, Hardware, Network, Wearables, Decor, Production Assistance


STEAM Education

STEM (Science Technology Engineering, Math) have been pushed as The Education Solution.  We firmly believe that leaving out the ARTS (design, aesthetics, etc.) makes for a hollow experience.  STEAM is the acronym we prefer, including Arts.  Informing the STEM with Artistic Design skills and technologies.  Enabling the Arts and Design through science, engineering and math.  We develop programs and event activities that combine Art and Technology for the good of all.

Software/Hardware Projects

We have decades of experience developing computer solutions.

Art Enhances Technology

Summary of Lorayne’s take on artistic enhancement of Maker projects.  Should link to full page/blog post by Lorayne on the topic


Lorem Ipsum standin text for what Lorayne does so very well

About Maui Institute of Art & Technology (MIoAT)

Maui Institute of Art & Technology is the partnership of Jerry Isdale and Lorayne Lipps.  Lorayne is the artist and Jerry the techie.  Together we make cool stuff that works and looks good.  We also teach workshops, mentor others, help produce events, create maker activities for events, etc.

Jerry Isdale

Jerry Isdale

Chief Technologist

Jerry leads the technology side of MIOAT.  He has decades of experience in bleeding edge software development emphasizing tools for artists, Human Factors, Graphical and 3d UI/UX, Software Engineering, and technical writing.

Jerry Isdale Resume page

Lorayne Lipps

Lorayne Lipps

Art Director

Lorayne is the Art and Design side of MIOAT.  She (blah blah blah)

Our Latest Work

Let’s Make Something Together!
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